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Window Tinting What to look for when choosing Cutting Edge

Feb 18

Window tinting is a complex process that requires consideration of many different factors. It is important to choose the right type of window tinting film. There are many different films on the marketplace, each offering its own set benefits and drawbacks.

We will be discussing what to look out for when selecting a window tinting material. Our top picks for each category will be shared so that you can make an educated decision while shopping.

Choosing the Best Materials for Window Tinting

Two main types of films are available when it comes to window tinting: dyed and metallized. The dyed films are made by directly applying a dye to an adhesive layer placed on the glass.

Metalized films are made with metallic particles. They reflect more light than the dyed ones, but also darken your windows when you view them from outside at night. This is because they block out some of the spectrum's normal colors.

Which Should I Choose?

You can choose between the two types, but it comes down to your personal preference. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The cost of dyed films is generally lower than those made from reflective materials, and they can be subtler.

Metallic particles will reflect more sunlight than dye, so metallized films are better if privacy is important or you need to reduce daytime heat.

How Much Light Transmission (%) Is Permitted in Each Area?

Some states allow as high as 30% while others have a maximum of 15%. This can also be affected by the type of reflective material that is used for a model.

What color would match my car's paint best? It is better to choose a darker color than one that matches lighter colors. If you have a dark vehicle, then it is best to go with something like blue. These hues don't mix well together.

What type of adhesive should I use when applying tint?

There are two main types. One is static cling which relies on static electricity and rubs against surfaces like cotton sheets. The other is heat-activated adhesives, which use heat such high-heat hair dryers. You should be aware that heat can cause damage to some window film types. Before installing new products on your car's glass, make sure you have read the instructions!

How can you determine which tint is the best for your vehicle's windows?

This depends on several factors like where you live in the world and how much light transmission (%) it allows. Some states allow more light through their windows than others.

Auto shops near me can tint your car windows. Make sure they are familiar with these types of films.

What is the Difference between a non-reflective standard film and one coated with metal in order to be reflective?

A non-reflective standard film will block only about 50% of sun rays and reflect only 20%. The result is that the interior of your vehicle will not be affected by heat transfer or glare from cars or other outside sources during daylight hours. This is as long as no structures are nearby, such buildings or trees.


It is crucial to look at both the film's reflectivity as well as its heat insulation properties when choosing window tinting material. Ask your installer questions about their experience applying these films as well as the type of warranty that they offer for any future problems.